
Ágnes Tamás joined our department
January 15, 2020

Ágnes Tamás joined our department

Ágnes Tamás will be our new colleague from February 1, 2020 as an assistant professor, filling a position created by the Dean of our Faculty.  Congratulations! Further information is available on her personal page.

Recent issue of Aetas has been published
December 16, 2019

Recent issue of Aetas has been published

The recent issue of Aetas (vol. 34., no. 4.) has been published, edited by Béla Tomka. Studies by, among others, Zsombor Bódy, Márkus Keller,  Gergely Romsics and Béla Tomka are included. The topic of this issue, Institutional and Cultural Transfers in 20th-Century Hungary, is connected to the History of Globalization Research Group.

Péter Bencsik's habilitation
November 21, 2019

Péter Bencsik's habilitation

Péter Bencsik has successfully completed his habilitation process in Pécs, November 20, 2019.  His presentations were the following: Czechoslovakia during the Prague Spring; Cold War(s) among the Eastern European Communist States.

Péter Bencsik's new book has been published
July 17, 2019

Péter Bencsik's new book has been published

The new book of our collegue, Péter Bencsik, titled Kelet és Nyugat között. Államhatárok, úti okmányok, határátlépés Magyarországon és Csehszlovákiában (1945–1989) [Between East and West. State Borders, Travel Documents, Border Crossing in Hungary and Czechoslovakia from 1945 to 1989] has been published by the Historical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Linda Margittai's successful dissertation defense
May 21, 2019

Linda Margittai's successful dissertation defense

Linda Margittai successfully defended her doctoral dissertation in May 2019. Congratulations! Further information and photos can be found on our Facebook page.

History of Globalization research group established
April 16, 2019

History of Globalization research group established

In cooperation with the Loránd Eötvös University (Budapest) and with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, a new research group has been established at our Department, lead by Béla Tomka. The project aims at researching Globalization and territoriality in 20th-century Hungary. For more info, see the home page of the research group.

Linda Margittai joined our Department
September 1, 2016

Linda Margittai joined our Department

From 1 September 2016, Linda Margittai joined our Department as an instructor, filling a vacant position. Further information is available on Linda Margittai’s personal page.

Retirement of Professor Karsai
June 18, 2016

Retirement of Professor Karsai

After many decades of a successful career, Professor László Karsai retired in the Summer of 2016. The staff of the Department thanks his work and wishes him further success and fruitful research activity also in the future.
